
Performance work with Buba Čvorić

Uppsala Cathedral, Uppsala, Sweden | 2010 | Duration: 5h

We are sitting on the chairs in front of the Cathedral.
We are looking towards each other.
The distance between us is 2 meters.
We are surrounded with 50kg of onion.
We have a masks on our faces that are connected together through transparent pipes and one transparent reservoir in the middle.
During five hours we are “collecting “ our tears in to the reservoir.
After five hours we are disconnecting our masks, and we leave the place.
Day after we are putting our tears in to the holy water in the Cathedral.

The project is dealing with the idea of intimacy in contemporary public space and the body transformations that comes with it. Using traditional performative language and contemporary artistic expression we are investigating relations such as: public and private notions, individual and collective identity, bodily and architectural space.


Photos by Rakini Devi, Vlasta Delimar, Boris Nielsony

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